Friday, October 30, 2020

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (10/30)

Happy Halloween! We had a fun day today!

Thank you to all the parents who took time to conference virtually or on phone conferences this week and last. I truly love your kids and love having them in my class!

Huge THANKS to the Davis and Racine families for purchasing earbuds and headphones for our class!! We are so appreciative!!

Don't forget to "Fall Back" and set your clocks back an hour on Sunday. 

Important Links:

Hutchings Book Fair: Virtual Scholastic Book Fair 10/19-11/1/2020

Homework Reminders:
*Nightly Fluency: Students need to be reading their fluency each night! They also need to do the questions on the back and write their response to the last question in complete sentences to receive full credit.
*Seesaw homework activities: Each weeknight there is a seesaw activity students need to complete. Some will be graded and entered into PowerSchool. Some are just for practice.
*Spelling Word Preview Words: Words are sent home Monday and will be tested each Friday.
*Spelling Words to Learn: Corrected Spelling Tests are being sent home today with your child. The only words that were "graded" were the five Word Preview Words from the beginning of the week. However, I did look over all the words on the test. These are all important second grade frequency words. Attached to the test is your child's Words To Learn. They are circled. These are the words he/she missed on the pretest (at the beginning of the year) and the test we took today. I will continue to add to the list each week and staple it to your child's test, so you have a current list of words they need to work on at home. Please go over the circled words with them. If a word is circled and starred, that means he/she has missed it more than once. Please extra practice those words! 


Next Week:
Reading: Nonfiction Readers Notice and Learn
Writing: Grace for President (text connections, opinion writing)
Math: Unit 3 Addition & Subtraction Fact Families
Science: Earth's Land and Water  
Social Studies: People Around the World

Upcoming Dates:
*Picture Retake Day--November 11
*November 13--Half Day (dismissal 12:05 pm)
*November 25-27--Thanksgiving Break

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/20)

Happy Friday! We had fun celebrating with Spirit Days this week! GO HOWELL! If you are able to be our parent representative and attend PTO m...