Happy Friday!! Valentine's Day is next Friday. We do not have formal parties in 2nd grade, but we do exchange valentines! Please see the Valentine Info for more details!
February Book Orders are coming home today! They are due on Friday, 2/14, by noon! clubs.scholastic.com class code GZKBK
Our class earned their second points reward!! We will discuss reward options on Monday!! Woohoo! π
Did you know that we have a Howell/Fowlerville Ski Club? For half the price, you can ski at Mt. Brighton on Friday evenings starting at 3pm! The ski club is for everyone--staff, students, friends, family...any age! Sign up each week by Wednesday to ski on Friday. The ski club will run every Friday until February 21 (or longer if there is snow). CLICK THIS LINK and then 24-25 season information link on the right side for more info!
We still need some items for upcoming science investigations. Please see the Science Sign-up if you're able to donate! Thank you in advance!!
- Spelling List/Fluency HW 17
- Phonics: -dge ending
- Reading: Nonfiction: The Hopi People
- ELA: Tornado (weather)
- Math: Unit 6--Whole Numbers & Number Stories
- Science: Images & Maps
- Social Studies: Public Services
- February 14--Valentine Exchange
- February 17--No School (President's Day)
- February 21--"Dress Like Your Teacher" Spirit Day
- February 28--"Fancy Clothes" Spirit Day
- March 12--Late start (school begins 10:15am)
- March 13--Spring Conferences (will be scheduled as needed)
- March 24-28--No School, Spring Break! ☀️
A few reminders:
- I am still looking for a parent representative to attend PTO meetings. Please let me know if you are willing to serve in this capacity!
- If you would like to volunteer in our classroom this year, please make sure you have filled out all the paperwork and have been cleared in the office before signing up! Here is the sign-up for Classroom Volunteers!
- Please note: We do not celebrate birthdays with edible treats in 2nd grade. You are welcome to send in a pencil, small toy, or trinket for your child to pass out, if you wish! We will make sure their day is special regardless! π
*From the PTO*
PTO meeting- RESCHEDULED to 2/13 at 6pm in the library.
Hutchings Pool Party!
Now through the end of February, the Aquatic Center is having a fundraiser for each elementary school's PTO. For each swimmer, we will earn $1 and the PTO with the most swimmer visitors at the end of the month will earn $500. Make sure you mention you are from Hutchings each time you visit, swim lessons included!
Save the date- Friday, February 21st is our Husky swim night from 4:30-6. The cost is $6 per swimmer and the PTO will earn 50%!
February 12 from 6-9 is another Husky Rollerama night! Dust off those skates and meet us there!
The Highlander Aquatic Center is hosting open swims that can help raise funds for the PTO! I have attached the flyer below that lists specific information. They are having a contest with elementary schools to see who can get the most swimmers to their open swims in January and February. Mention Hutchings PTO and we receive $1 for every swimmer and the school with the most swimmers will receive $500!