Thursday, September 23, 2021

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/24)

Hi, families!! I apologize for forgetting the weekly update last week. I was planning on doing it Sunday when I returned form up north, then we got news of the class quarantine and I forgot! This week has been a little challenging, but we made it! 

Tomorrow is a half day, so we will only have one zoom at 10:00am. During that time we will be doing our spelling test and a phonics/writing activity. I will then explain the other tasks students need to finish. In-person students will be dismissed at 12:05pm.

On Monday, I will be out in the morning for an appointment, so Miss Burkholder will run the zoom at 10:00am. There will only be one zoom on Monday morning (NO 11:00 zoom). I will zoom for Math at 1:00pm Monday, as planned.


  • When we are not quarantined, students will have homework on Seesaw Monday-Thursday each week. All homework is available starting at 3:45 PM each day. There will not be Seesaw homework on the weekends, but that's always a great time for students to get caught up if they're behind on their Seesaw activities. Nightly homework should only take 5-10 minutes. We talked about that even if they have sports or activities, they should be able to complete their homework without a problem. If students are unable to do their homework at home, they will need to finish during recess in the morning. If your child is having trouble and needs more help from me, please send me a message and I will help them in the morning! 
  • Please make sure to call the office and let them know when your child is going to be absent, even if you send an email to me. The office needs to verify. The number is 517-540-8081 then listen for the different options for attendance. Thank you!
  • The Community Bible Church in Brighton is offering 1 hour/week of free tutoring and most of their volunteers are teachers. Here's the link to register, if you're interested: 

Next Week:

Reading: Tricky Words, Comprehension Strategies

Writing: Conventions (capitals/punctuation)

Math: Unit 2--Fact Strategies

Science: Length and Width 

Social Studies: Cardinal Directions

Important Links:

  • Scholastic Book Ordering Class Page Feel free to pass along our class ordering page to friends and family, too! All orders help our classroom earn free books for our classroom library!  (class code: GZKBK) Our next book order will be mid-September, but you can order online anytime!

Upcoming Dates:
*Students have a half day on Friday, September 24. Dismissal will be at 12:05pm.
*School picture day is September 29. 
*October 15 & 18--No School (Fall Break)

Have a great weekend! :)

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/7)

Last week was Hallway Week! I'm so proud of all the nice 2nd grade hallway behavior I saw! Some lucky kiddos even received Husky Paws fr...