Friday, May 10, 2024

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (5/10)

Happy Friday! 😎

A couple reminders:

  • Our Walking Field Trip is on Thursday! Chaperones are Mrs. Huntoon, Mrs. Huff, Mrs. Racine, Mrs. Takabatake, Mrs. Gutting, Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. Kremhelmer, Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Zammit, Mrs. Maltby, and Mrs. Olvin. Your kiddos will need to wear tennis shoes (no flip-flops!) and bring a disposable sack lunch! We will be going rain or shine, so please make sure they dress for the weather! Layers are good!
  • Please make sure your kiddos have a coat and/or sweatshirt at school when it's not over 50 degrees in the morning! Our classroom is often chilly and it's usually below 50 for morning for recess (9:30am). Students are expected to wear their coats outside if it is less than 50 degrees!

Next Week:

NO more nightly fluency/math homework!! 
Writing--Poetry Books
Math--Unit 9: Equal Parts (fractions) and Estimating Costs (money)
Social Studies--Howell History!

Important Upcoming Dates:      

*May 16 --2nd grade Walking Field Trip Downtown Howell 
*May 21--Hutchings Showcase  
*May 23--Field Day (Make-up day for weather 5/24) 
*May 27--No School Memorial Day 
*May 30--Last Day of 2nd Grade!

*The complete HPS Calendar can be found HERE!

*NEW! The 24/25 HPS Calendar can be found HERE!

Please don't forget:

We celebrate birthdays with non-edible treats in 2nd grade. Items like pencils, erasers, and small trinkets are great items for treats! I will still make sure we sing and make your child's day special. Thank you for your cooperation! 

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/7)

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