Friday, February 5, 2021

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (2/5)

❅Happy Snow Day! Looks like we're enjoying Comfy Cozy day at home today!☺ 

We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 11. Students may bring a decorated bag or box to collect their valentines, if they wish. We will have bags here for them if they do not bring one. We have 28 students and 2 teachers in our class. :) Students should sign valentines, but they do not need to address them to certain students. Please make sure your child brings a valentine for every student. We will be doing several activities and crafts during the day. No food (other than individually wrapped candy that is attached to valentines and our 100 Point Party items) will be allowed. Thank you for understanding. 

As Superintendent MacGregor shared last week, the district has changed our two scheduled half days (Friday, February 12, and Friday, April 23) to asynchronous distance learning days for all students. Students will not attend school in-person on these two days, but will be provided work to complete on their own from home on those days. On Friday, February 12, our second graders will complete their spelling test on Seesaw and then complete paper-pencil tasks to turn in the following Tuesday. Remember, there is no school on Monday, February 15, due to President's Day. 

We have been focusing on quality work and good handwriting. Several students are rushing through their work and we are having them erase and redo assignments that are not easy to read, or are lacking capitals and punctuation. Many students are also forgetting to do their homework at home each night on Seesaw. Please remind your child to check Seesaw after school for their nightly homework activity. The activities should only take a few minutes to complete. If your child is struggling with the concept highlighted in the activity, please reach out and let us know. We will be sure to work with him/her in class the next morning.

Important Links:

  • Scholastic Book Ordering Class Page February book orders came home yesterday and are due Thursday, February 11. You can order anytime to have books shipped to your house! Feel free to pass along our class ordering page to friends and family, too! All orders help our classroom earn free books for our classroom library!  (class code: GZKBK) 
  • BK & K Registration (click link for video): Begindergarten and Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-22 school year is now open. This year, all Begindergarten and Kindergarten registrations will be done online at On Wednesday, March 10, at 6 p.m., each elementary school will host a virtual meet and greet for parents. Information on the meet and greet will be shared at a later date. To register your child or for more information, please visit Please help us spread the word the registration is now open by telling any families that you know who have a student who will be entering Begindergarten or Kindergarten next school year.

Next Week

Reading: Units of Study Unit 3: Bigger Books

Writing: Nonfiction research (drafting our books)  

Spelling: Unit 16 Test will be Monday (due to the snow day) and Unit 17 will be next week (test Friday virtually), skill--word patterns

Math: Unit 6 Test Tuesday! We will begin Unit 7 and complete a Conversation Heart Math activity next week.

Science: Raindrop stories

Social Studies: Public Services

Upcoming Dates:
*February 11--Valentine Exchange and 100 Point Party
*February 12--Distance Learning Day (see above for more details)
*February 15--No School (President's Day)
*March 9--PTO Meeting
*March 12--Q3 ends
*March 29-April 2--Spring Break! 🌞

Stay warm! Have a nice weekend! :)

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/20)

Happy Friday! We had fun celebrating with Spirit Days this week! GO HOWELL! If you are able to be our parent representative and attend PTO m...