Friday, December 4, 2020

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (12/4)

Hello, families! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Students are bringing home a special holiday project today! The directions are attached. Projects are due back next Friday, December 11. If they finish early, students may turn them in early. Students will present their projects to the class.

Our holiday parties are going to look a bit different this year, since we cannot have parents in the building or have students participate in small group activities. We have several crafts and activities planned for the two weeks prior to break. On Friday, December 18, we plan to celebrate with Pajama Day! Students may wear their jammies and slippers that day! We are also planning to enjoy hot chocolate from Tim Horton's in the afternoon, while watching a holiday movie. We will need a donation of $2.00 per student by December 14 to cover the cost of hot chocolate. Please send in your cash donation as soon as possible. Thank you!

If your child ordered from the Secret Santa Shop, he/she is bringing home presents today in their backpacks! They will need to wrap their gifts, but bags are included! :) 

Important Links: 

Scholastic Book Ordering Class Page December book orders are due by Monday at noon! I will be placing the order right at noon, to make sure it arrives at school before the break. You have the option to ship to your house, too! Books make great gifts! :) Feel free to pass along our class ordering page to friends and family, too! All orders help our classroom earn free books for our classroom library!  (class code: GZKBK) 

Homework Reminders:
*Nightly Fluency: Students need to be reading their fluency each night! They also need to do the questions on the back and write their response to the last question in complete sentences to receive full credit.
*Seesaw homework activities: Each weeknight there is a seesaw activity students need to complete. Some will be graded and entered into PowerSchool. Some are just for practice.
*Spelling Word Preview Words: Words are sent home Monday and will be tested each Friday. The Word Preview Words for each week are listed on the Spelling page of the blog. 
*Spelling Words to Learn: Words that are "graded" are the five Word Preview Words from the beginning of the week. However, I do look over all the words on the test. These are all important second grade frequency words. Attached to the test is your child's Words To Learn. They are circled. These are the words he/she missed on the pretest (at the beginning of the year) and the test we took today. I will continue to add to the list each week and staple it to your child's test, so you have a current list of words they need to work on at home. Please go over the circled words with them. If a word is circled and starred, that means he/she has missed it more than once. Please extra practice those words! 

 Next Week:

Reading: Mooseltoe (fiction story elements & sequencing)
Writing: What makes Christmas Perfectly Perfect for you? 
Spelling: suffixes (-s, -ed, -ing)
Math: *Unit 4 Test Tuesday, Unit 5--Money and Counting
Science: Earth's Land and Water   
Social Studies: Holidays Around the World 

Upcoming Dates:
*December 11--Virtual Author Visit (Denise Brennan-Nelson)
*December 18--2nd grade Pajama Day, End of Quarter 2
*December 21-January 1: Holiday Break
*January 4, 2021--Classes Resume
*January 18--No School, MLK day

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! ☺

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/20)

Happy Friday! We had fun celebrating with Spirit Days this week! GO HOWELL! If you are able to be our parent representative and attend PTO m...