Friday, December 11, 2020

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (12/11)

Happy Friday!! 

Our holiday parties are going to look a bit different this year, since we cannot have parents in the building or have students participate in small group activities. We have several crafts and activities planned for the two weeks prior to break. On Friday, December 18, we plan to celebrate with Pajama Day! Students may wear their jammies and slippers that day! We are also planning to enjoy hot chocolate from Tim Horton's in the afternoon, while watching a holiday movie. Two wonderful families have generously donated the funds for hot chocolate and donuts for the class! Thank you so much!!

Important Links: 

Scholastic Book Ordering Class Page I have already turned in our December book order, however you can order anytime to have books shipped to your house! Feel free to pass along our class ordering page to friends and family, too! All orders help our classroom earn free books for our classroom library!  (class code: GZKBK) Our next class order will take place in January!

There will be NO Spelling OR Fluency OR Seesaw homework next week!!
 Next Week:
Reading: Mooseltoe (fiction story elements & sequencing)
Writing: What makes Christmas Perfectly Perfect for you? 
Spelling: Mid-year spelling Assessment
Math: Unit 5--Money and Counting
Science: Earth's Land and Water   
Social Studies: Holidays Around the World 

Upcoming Dates:
*December 18--2nd grade Pajama Day, End of Quarter 2
*December 21-January 1: Holiday Break
*January 4, 2021--Classes Resume
*January 18--No School, MLK day

Happy Weekend! :)

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/20)

Happy Friday! We had fun celebrating with Spirit Days this week! GO HOWELL! If you are able to be our parent representative and attend PTO m...