Friday, September 18, 2020

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/18)

Hi, parents! TGIF! We made it through a five day week! ☺ 


  • Please remind your child to check Seesaw each weekday evening for homework. (No Seesaw homework on the weekend.) We are trying to streamline homework on Seesaw this year. You may need to completely close out of the app and restart it for the activity to show up on their account, if it is not there when you log in. Also make sure they are using the Class App, or they will not be able to see the activity. Homework is posted at 3:45 each day.
  • We began nightly Fluency this week. Make sure to look for that and complete each night. Don't forget the comprehension piece on the back of the fluency page. Please make sure students complete each night and return to school on Friday. Reading Fluency will be graded and entered into PowerSchool.
Next week:

Reading: Taking Charge of Reading (fluency, figuring out tricky words)

Writing: Descriptive Words

Phonics: Troublemaker Words and Punctuation

Math: Unit 2: Fact Strategies (grouping by 10, number stories, making 10)

Science: Measuring Matters (volume/capacity)

Social Studies: Cardinal and Intermediate Directions *Test Thursday 9/24

Upcoming Dates:

*September 25--Half Day (dismissal 12:05 pm)

*September 30--Picture Day (Order online: picture id: EVTVMVBTS)

*October 22 & 29-- Evening Elementary Conferences (sign up will be sent out in a few weeks)

*November 13--Half Day

*November 25-27--Thanksgiving Break

Have a great weekend! :)

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (9/20)

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