Friday, May 21, 2021

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (5/21)

Hi, families! Can you believe we're heading into the last week of school? As crazy as this year was, it flew!! I can't believe my time with your sweet kiddos is coming to an end! 

A few people have asked about resources for the summer. Please make sure students read daily and practice their math facts! Even if that's all they do, it will help them maintain the summer slide we often see in younger students.

Summer Math:

  • End of the year math review--We worked on this in class. These are the concepts they should know before heading to 3rd grade. I made copies of the assessment and the answer key to send home. I thought it might be helpful for you to have your child work on over the summer, if he/she struggled with any of the concepts taught.
  • Prodigy--Students love this "game" and it focuses on math concepts at their level! It adjusts as they master a concept. This is a GREAT resource for summer math practice. The kids know how to access their account, because we play in class.
  • Toy Theater has a lot of fun math games for kids!
  • Summer Math Review (printable)
  • They can continue practicing their facts on Xtra math! I will be sending home their login information next week for your reference.


Summer Reading:

Next Week:

Reading: Rosie Revere (fictional narrative)

Writing: School Memories

Spelling: Words to Learn, Spelling Bees!

Math: 2nd grade math review

Science: STEM activities 

Social Studies: Bumper Stickers

Important Links:

  • Scholastic Book Ordering Class Page If you missed our classroom book order, you can order anytime and have books shipped to your house! Feel free to pass along our class ordering page to friends and family, too! All orders help our classroom earn free books for our classroom library!  (class code: GZKBK)

Upcoming Dates:
*May 27--Summer Birthdays Celebration (June/July, early Aug bdays--no edible treats allowed)
*May 28--Last Day of School!

Have a great weekend! :)

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