Friday, February 21, 2025

Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (2/21)

Happy Friday! Don't forget about the PTO Hutchings Pool Party TONIGHT from 4:30-6pm! The cost is $6 per swimmer and PTO will earn 50%!
We are still in need of a parent or two to help with preparing milk jugs to plant! If you are able to help prepare for our class, please let me know! You can come whenever it works for you! (You will need to fill out the volunteer info in the office before you can help.) Thank you! We are also still in need of milk jugs and bags of potting soil. Thank you in advance for your donations!

Next Week:

  • Spelling List/Fluency--Week 18
  • Phonics: Magic E 
  • Reading: The Cherokee People (nonfiction)
  • ELA: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs (weather)  
  • Math: Unit 6--TEST Wednesday! *Review Sheet will come home Monday!
  • Science: Images & Maps
  • Social Studies: Iditarod
Upcoming Dates:
  • February 21--Husky Night at the Howell Aquatic Center (4:30-6pm)
  • February 28--"Fancy Clothes" Spirit Day
  • March 6--Iditarod speaker
  • March 7--Sensei Sam assembly
  • March 12--Late start (school begins 10:15am), PTO Rollerama night
  • March 13--Spring Conferences (scheduled as needed)
  • March 24-28--No School, Spring Break! ☀️
The 24/25 HPS Calendar can be found HERE!

Repeat reminders:

  • I am still looking for a parent representative to attend PTO meetings. Please let me know if you are willing to serve in this capacity! 
  • If you would like to volunteer in our classroom this year, please make sure you have filled out all the paperwork and have been cleared in the office before signing up! Here is the sign-up for Classroom Volunteers! 
  • Please note: We do not celebrate birthdays with edible treats in 2nd grade. You are welcome to send in a pencil, small toy, or trinket for your child to pass out, if you wish! We will make sure their day is special regardless! ðŸŽ‰

*From the PTO*

Save the Date - Rollerama Night!

March 12 from 6-9 is another Husky Rollerama night! Dust off those skates and meet us there! (Event rescheduled.)

Hutchings Pool Party!

Now through the end of February, the Aquatic Center is having a fundraiser for each elementary school's PTO. For each swimmer, we will earn $1 and the PTO with the most swimmer visitors at the end of the month will earn $500. Make sure you mention you are from Hutchings each time you visit, swim lessons included! 

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Mrs. Burch's Weekly Update (3/7)

Hi, families! We had a great first week of March! This year is flying by!! We have been learning a lot about the Iditarod recently. We had a...